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Posted on 01-26-11 6:23
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US ko phdwala
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Posted on 01-27-11 1:25
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बाबाजी को जय होस्
share गर्नु भएको मा धन्यवाद
condom लगाउ population घटाऊ
नत्र recession ले उग्र गती लिन्छ
अहिले त त्यती बुझियो
documentary निक्कै informative छ
अ मस्ट वाच
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Posted on 01-27-11 9:26
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Posted on 01-27-11 9:28
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Zeitgeist Addendum = NWO / Communist Propaganda
The movie started by establishing the fraud of the US monetary system, which it applied to the IMF and World Bank, and then extended to the global corporate empire that is raping the world through "capitalism" and "free trade".
True capitalism and free trade were thus demonized.
It stated that all systems that are based on money are inherently corrupt, whether it be socialism, fascism, capitalism, or communism, but I believe that it stated that capitalism is supposed to be the worst.
It stated that people need to create a system that is "based on resources" so that there is "no competition", and then people can solve every problem with technology.
It argued that trying to change politics is useless, because in a "monetary system" everything is inherently corrupt, and supporting Ron Paul is particularly useless evidently.
Zeitgeist Addendum also wants everyone to give up their religions, so that the whole world can focus on the "collective cosmic conscience".
This is classic NWO propaganda.
For those of you who aren't aware, the international banksters financed the Bolshevik Revolution and created Communism, when Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff financed Leon Trotsky in New York.
This "resource-based technocratic utopia" tripe is just the latest version of the propaganda that they will use to create global fascism by manipulating all sides of civilization.
Please compare these forms of propaganda to the actual tenets of the original Bavarian Illuminati, which was established by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776:
•Abolition of monarchies
•Abolition of ordered government
•Abolition of private property
•Abolition of nationalism
•Abolition of marriage
•Abolition of religion
•The communal education of children
NWO = Jesuits + Zionists + Knights of Malta / Freemasons + Council on Foreign Relations / Bilderburg group
Last edited: 27-Jan-11 09:38 PM
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Posted on 01-27-11 9:33
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Posted on 01-28-11 12:21
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This guy Dr. Gabor Mate (in the new Zeitgeist movie) is awesome man. Have attended few of his conferences and the way he talk on addiction, mental health, ego and spirituality is mind blowing. His website is also informative www.drgabormate.com
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Posted on 01-28-11 11:05
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Neither the videos nor the article you posted present any persuasive arguments in favor of zeitgeist movement being a NWO agenda. I have read many articles on the internet that supposedly "expose" the intent behind the zeitgeist movement. But each one of those articles reflect prejudice, hatred and ignorance rather than critical analysis.
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Posted on 01-29-11 8:44
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sajhababa, zeitgiest movies are bullshit films which is presenting false facts.
In your own posting "Everyone single person must watch this" http://sajha.org/sajha/html/OpenThread.cfm?forum=2&ThreadID=86994
I wote the following (which you ignored)...
in the religion part of the movie: it has tried hard to debunk Christianity as a false religion (basically sun worship) not only that but it has attacked Hinduism and Buddhism by claiming Krishna and Buddha had the same type of virgin birth and crucifixion like Jesus and were born on the same day as him.
Everyone knows this to be false even that wh0re Acharya S aka D.M. Murdock. If you also notice there in the same part they mention "Jao of Nepal" was crucified 622 B.C alongside....
Khrisna of India, crucified 1200 B.C.
Bali of Orissa, crucified 725 B.C.
Indra of Tibet, crucified 725 B.C.
lao of Nepal, crucified 622 B.C.
Sakia, a Hindu god, crucified 600 B.C.
which are all false.
The Illuminati seek to destroy all religion and to replace them with secularism and globalism....which is why they are heavily promoting Zeitgeist...also you can see that Jiddu Krishnamurthi is feature several time...he alongside Acharya S are all part of the Theosophy movement
In the next part of the movie (9-11) they mention the all the hijackers were on boarding the planes when it is a known fact that several of the hijackers are still alive (you can google them) and everyone knows that no planes hit the WTC towers (see http://sajha.org/sajha/html/OpenThread.cfm?forum=2&ThreadID=84653)
and in the third part, for your question "what incentive do u think the illuminati has in pointing out, through the zeitgeist movement, the inner workings of how the monetary system has enslaved society at large?"
yes they sometimes happen to reveal the little truth to show that the whole documentary is true. and yes they did talk about the bankers and the federal reserve system but what happened? Nothing!...the rich elite people who are involved in the IMF / monetary scam will continue to enslave us as long as we allow them to.
in the Addendum sequel,,,we see they have promoted the Venus project which is nothing but a rehashed/repeated version of COMMUNISM...they managed to make the advertising attractive and
concerning the technology section, Zbigniew Brzenshksi (Obama's puppet master) wrote about the technotronic era a long time ago. As early as 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted a "more controlled and directed society" would gradually appear, linked to technology. This society would be dominated by an elite group which impresses voters by allegedly superior scientific know-how. Angels Don't Play This HAARP further quotes Brzezinski:
"Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Technical and scientific momentum would then feed on the situation it exploits."
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Posted on 01-29-11 9:04
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everybody has an opinion and the right to express it. i don't deny and actually don't care about the few dates and historical facts they might have got wrong. it's just that i understand their idea that all religions are obsolete. it's the logic that backs their arguments that is persuasive. and like i said in my earlier post, most arguments that refute the ideas presented my the zeitgeist movement reflect prejudice, hatred and denial; your post serves as a perfect example.
p.s: u seem to know a lot....keep googling and let us know what secrets u uncover next...google sheds light over the ultimate truths afterall, right??
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Posted on 02-01-11 4:12
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A resource based economy is the only way forward for mankind....in such an economy, all human beings will have the resources they need to live and discover their potential....the monetary system is responsible for the inequality that is prevalent in the world....how does a system which makes it possible for 1 percent of the human population to own 40% of the total purchasing power make any sense???? why do the children in africa don't have access to food, clothes, shelter and education.....as a species, today we have all the resources and technology available that can rid every human being from the burden of working as a slave for mere survial (food, clothes, shelter)...every child should have the right to these means....every child should have the right to receive the best education that is available today...why should only rich children have access to the best education??? the monetary system is the root of inequality and unequal distribution of resources.....how on earth does a system which gives the right to individuals that hold worthless pieces of paper the right to use resources make any sense??? I support the Zeitgeist movement and the idea that all the resources in the world should be a common heritage of all global citizens...1000 years from now, our great grand children will wonder what took us so long to realize this!!!
I challenge the proponents of the monetary system and the haters of the zeitgeist movement to come forward and explain what good does the monetary system do to humanity as a whole???? It's easy to discard something as a conspiracy and point at blogs and websites to support your position.....come out with some logical ideas and scientific expalnations u retards like Rid and Shareds!!!!!
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Posted on 02-01-11 4:56
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Posted on 02-01-11 5:44
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grow up and talk some sense terobaaje....communism, like capitalism, is based on the monetary system....if u could understand what I wrote in my earlier post, you would have known that i was talking about the need to get rid of the monetary system and the idea of individual possessions....how is that communism???even communism is a structure that feeds on money and individual possessions....under a resource-based economy, people like terobaaje will have access to education so that they can think and express themselves logically....i expect terobaaje to reply to this post by stating how educated he is....my reply is: terobaaje, tero bhanda badi budhi ta tero baaje ko thiyo hola!!
Last edited: 01-Feb-11 05:46 PM
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Posted on 02-03-11 6:20
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Some really interesting insights from Justcurious bro!!!
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Posted on 02-04-11 11:57
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Posted on 02-04-11 12:23
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terobaaje bro, i deleted your last post becoz of the foul language....keep it clean bro :)