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 Shameful state of Sajha
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Posted on 05-18-11 2:37 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There was a time when visiting this Sajha forum used to be educating and entertaining experience.  People would share ideas and laughs, all in good spirit.  Sure there were arguments, but those were in almost all cases about the subject matter or ideas, not about the people.

Now, most of the threads stink of racism.  Go ahead, take a read yourself.  It seems you people have nothing else to talk about without dissing each other's castes.  Why do we not get along?  Nepalis can never get rid of khutta taanney chronic illness bhanthey,  saacho rahecha.  It is no wonder Nepal is a failed state.  After all, Sajha is a microcosm of Nepal.

This is not a reflection on San and the administrators.  Bichara haruley pani katti garosh.  There is a theory in Economics: bad money pushes out good money.  Same has happened here.  Bad participants have pretty much pushed out good participants.

Thoroughly disgusted.

Good bye.

Posted on 05-18-11 2:46 PM     [Snapshot: 3]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Anger, anger, actually the anger : Look here

"Nepalis can never get rid of khutta taanney chronic illness bhanthey, saacho rahecha. It is no wonder Nepal is a failed state. "

What is this? Your anger, because you could not digest some of the feature we have in our society.

"Hiding the dust under the carpet" does not make the room clean. You have to uncover and clean it. Unfortunately, there is plenty of rotten stuffs in our society, which definitely stink. You name it racism, castism, communalism, ethnism, communism, or any ...ism. It stinks when uncovered even a little bit, imagine, how it feels if you were dumped in that rotten hell for generations. Yes that is where people have the perception of "ganaune bhote", "manu makhu ..." etc. etc. etc. etc. You can't turn those deeply rooted hatred into love overnight without changing yourself.

Posted on 05-18-11 3:12 PM     [Snapshot: 63]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 k re k re bro, 
look who is talking, the most racist guy in sajha is now talking about changes, you made my day.  You are right nothing can change ppl like you, kaag karaudai garcha pina sukdai garcha. 

I wish sajha ma tyo thread lai downgrade gare jasto manche lai ni downgrade garna milne bhaye, it would be much cleaner.  Tara yo boka haru pani tei sirak bhitra mudki takne matrai ho.  I mean guff dine matrai ho.  


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