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 Nepal Earthquake / Response Management / SERIOUS COMMENTS ONLY
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Posted on 04-26-15 6:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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We're all concerned about the situation in Nepal and want to help in whatever way we can. I am seeing that a lot of countries are sending their aid (resources and supplies). We have volunteers from all over the world pouring in to help. But there seems to be a lack of central team overseeing this effort. People have good intentions but we need to ensure things are done properly, focus area needs to be prioritized and there needs to be a holistic plan of action. This is not easy - and can only be done by a team who has the knowledge and experience in this area. Is there such a team handling and overseeing this effort? Should Nepali government reach out to India, FEMA or other organizations that have knowledge and experience dealing with such large scale disaster management efforts and let them mobilize the national and international volunteers in the field?

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