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Posted on 11-28-22 9:20
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The anti-vax film DIED SUDDENLY used a YouTube video from April 1, 2019, which is about 9 months before COVID ever appeared on anywhere in the world, to make their claims about covid vaccine related heart issues.
The original video from where anti-vax film DIED SUDDENLY used clips to scam people is linked below.
Last edited: 28-Nov-22 09:21 PM
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Posted on 11-29-22 10:38
AM [Snapshot: 95]
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I have not watched that video so I cannot comment in depth but we can still determine few things. The main thing is that this video is not an official video from the CDC or the government. They may have used a wrong video out of context but the fact still stands that there are a lot of cases of #suddendeath you can search #suddendeath in twitter to see the results. What is actually an epic fail is the government, the CDC, US healthcare all acting like marketing agents of the vaccine that did not and does not work. They knowingly marketed an untested product - that is now actually causing harm - to billions of people so that the vaccine industry could make trillions of dollars profits so they could reap the donations from them.
Lots of people cannot cope with reality so they want to blame the so called anti vaxers who simply pointed out that the vaccines cannot be trusted this early without testing. They are scared to blame the big shots because they have slave mentality. And they don’t want to accept that they were duped into getting shots after shots of vaccines and boosters like obedient sheeps.
Last edited: 29-Nov-22 10:38 AM
Last edited: 29-Nov-22 10:42 AM
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Posted on 11-30-22 6:10
PM [Snapshot: 236]
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Why would it matter whoever made the original YouTube video that was subsequently used in the anti-vaxx propaganda "documentary" to scam people ?
No wonder these are the same sort of people who identified themselves as horse to buy and ingest horse deowormer. Lol!!
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Posted on 11-30-22 10:32
PM [Snapshot: 274]
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Last edited: 01-Dec-22 07:55 AM
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Posted on 12-01-22 7:53
AM [Snapshot: 325]
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Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
When you cannot think for yourself you repeat what the media tries to brainwash you with. The same people who benefitted from the vaccines run the media so you should be able to imagine what kind of info they brainwash you with. Information is coming out on how these influencial people rigged Twitter, Google and Facebook to not show anything that hinted that the vaccines may not work.
In any thinking person's mind, the statements below should be the real question. How are they getting away by lying to public in mandating a vaccine that does not and did not work.
But instead they still want to dwell on the smoke and mirror produced by the profiteers even when the reality is crystal clear to everyone now.
Many countries are independently becoming aware that the vaccines do not work and are actually having negative impact. When will you start thinking for yourself? Among those countries, Japan is one of them.
Reporting Vxxx deaths and injuries - Dr Masanori Fukushima, Director, Infectious Diseases, CDISC Dr. Fukushima is a Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University and Director and Chairman of Translational Research Informatics Center (TRI), Japan. An oncologist, he has over 25 years’ experience engaging in the practice and dissemination of standard cancer treatment and reforming Japan’s medical care system. Dr. Fukushima actively contributes to building the clinical trial infrastructure, with a focus on translational research. He promotes using CDISC Standards in academic research toward the goal of complete, harmonized data standardization. Dr. Fukushima also supervises the national translational research promotion programs conducted by the government of Japan, which led to the formation of the Academic Research Organization (ARO) Council.
South Australians are waking up
Last edited: 01-Dec-22 07:57 AM
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Posted on 12-01-22 8:19
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Looks like anti-vaxxers only now discovered that efficacy wanes when it comes to constantly mutating virus like covid.
Similarly, have these people ever asked why influenza vaccine from previous years usually don't work for the current and future influenza virus variants ?
Welcome to virology 101.
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Posted on 12-01-22 8:38
PM [Snapshot: 409]
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Only thing you need to remember is this.
Lots of people cannot cope with reality so they want to blame the so called anti vaxers who simply pointed out that the vaccines cannot be trusted this early without testing. They are scared to blame the big shots because they have slave mentality. And they don’t want to accept that they were duped into getting shots after shots of vaccines and boosters like obedient sheeps.
Last edited: 01-Dec-22 08:38 PM
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Posted on 12-01-22 9:20
PM [Snapshot: 425]
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"Lots of people cannot cope with reality so they want to blame the so called anti vaxers who simply pointed out that the vaccines cannot be trusted this early without testing. "
Lots of people cannot cope with reality that the single biggest vaccine experiment ever has already taken place.
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Posted on 12-01-22 10:36
PM [Snapshot: 449]
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Congratulations on falling for the biggest vaccine experiment!
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Posted on 12-01-22 10:47
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Posted on 12-01-22 11:45
PM [Snapshot: 484]
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Not sure why you are repeating ivermectin here like it’s your go to drug. I don’t recommend you use it. But if you have taken the vaccine that doesn’t work then I don’t blame you for getting stuck on horse medicine either 🤣 Take care now. I don’t see how I can help you anymore. Buh’bye!