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 They lied to you
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Posted on 01-04-23 7:44 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 01-04-23 8:16 PM     [Snapshot: 75]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am pretty sure there are billions of vaccines applied - I hope you agree to that as well (In fact you might have gotten yourself too). Dont you think we should be getting "vaccine pandemic" if they really lied?
Posted on 01-05-23 12:43 AM     [Snapshot: 204]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you are still unvaxxed I salute you.

Times have been made tough and hard for us and that was by design, so we would get injected with experimental vaccines. Keep holding the line it won't be much longer and we will win in the end.

If you have not been vaccinated yet you have incredible strength and governments around the world are losing their minds because they can not get you to comply.

Just hold a little longer guys the truth is coming out.
Posted on 01-05-23 2:21 AM     [Snapshot: 227]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 01-05-23 7:15 AM     [Snapshot: 263]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Have to wonder why media is not allowing anyone to discuss any side effects

Posted on 01-05-23 7:29 AM     [Snapshot: 265]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Many inventions start off with good intentions. Vaccines being one of them. During the times of polio and such, vaccine was a godsend. It did it's job and prevented pandemics that could have decimated hundreds of millions. Thanks to capitalism thesedays, the vaccine industry focus has shifted to becoming more profitable and they are able to do so by donating millions to politicians.

Ever since they started coming out with the 'yearly jab' marketing strategy, their profits have grown exponentially and they are ever so ready for marketing more jabs. And obviously when they have the president of the US and all US media in their hands, they can market very effectively. Marketing for jabs that do not pass the test of common sense. Like for example they come up with different variations of the flu shot saying that it is for the newer strain of the flu. If you think about it - go back to the basics. There can be million different permutations of the flu virus and you are supposed to believe that the new vaccine actually is for the million different strains???

That is where people are brainwashed to put on a tinfoil hat to believe in the vaccine marketing. Taking the vaccines year after year, and most likely, they are more susceptible to the side effects than actually being safe from the flu. I have many friends who have been taking the flu vax and I have some friends who have never taken it and surprisingly the ones taking the shots are the ones who are getting the flu every winter.

Thats why when the untested covid vaccine came out, it was difficult to believe in it's effectivity and if you follow closely it's been disbanded by many many countries because it's ineffectivity has been revealed. But in the US which is heavily controlled by political donors such as the vaccine industry, their hold on the media and politics is strong so even now in the face of clear ineffectivity, these vaccine policies are still made to look strong to encourage it.

Hope people wake up to realize soon that the chances of suffering from the side effects of this vax is worse than actually being affected by covid itself, which can be overcome in few days with simple tylenol.
Posted on 01-05-23 8:02 AM     [Snapshot: 283]     Reply [Subscribe]
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They always do. No surprises here.

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