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 Nurse says medical system in the US is worse than Africa or third world

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Posted on 05-14-23 6:29 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 05-14-23 3:58 PM     [Snapshot: 149]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Logan I am the originator of this thread. If you don’t understand the point then you can simply ignore it. Don’t spew your stupidity here. Gracias 🙏
Posted on 05-15-23 1:14 PM     [Snapshot: 319]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Got your point , from your blog we should think of going Africa for medical purposes? If you are in Nepal and can afford you will go to Delhi for personal check up , what it means to people living in ruler area? What should do knowing it?
Let me put this story.
One day a lady was throwing breads to birds and a man utter , people in Africa are dying of hunger. The women answered that I can not throw that far.
I am ready to hear your personal opinion and ready to follow if implacable. Other wise it is same as the women's answer. P

Posted on 05-15-23 4:47 PM     [Snapshot: 369]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am not posting this to prove anything.

I am sharing this because a full time nurse who has been involved in medical environment all over the world and specially in the US is saying from her experience that the medical system here is worse than in Africa and other third world countries.

That is something to think about specially coming from someone with her experience.

What is your expertise in this subject? Are you a nurse? Are you a doctor? Do you work for any hospital? Have you worked in any international medical field? Have you been to Africa?

Can you stick to the issue at hand and not talk BS about throwing bread to birds?
Posted on 05-15-23 5:48 PM     [Snapshot: 390]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It's sad that we have been resorted to Tiktok as source of truth :-)
Posted on 05-15-23 7:02 PM     [Snapshot: 411]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Welcome to 2023 when this is the age of mainstream media showing biased news to please their billionaire owners, to perpetuate never ending wars for their owners to sell weapons, for their owners to influence politicians to mandate vaccines that does not work, when most people are unaware that supreme court has claimed that news agencies are not obligated to tell the truth.

Lacking such common sense knowledge, one is forced to consume mainstream media as the ultimate truth.

Truth however is spread across the social media from individuals and institutions who cannot compete with the trillion dollar industry however try their best to spread the truth hidden by those who benefit from hiding the truth.

What do these small people like a nurse benefit from lies? You sure can put blinders over your eyes and follow the biased MSM blindly but a vast number of people are waking up thesedays. If you want to turn a blind eye then go right ahead and support the propaganda. I wish you the best.
Posted on 05-15-23 9:07 PM     [Snapshot: 441]     Reply [Subscribe]
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And you personally verified whatever you pasted from wherever you found was true and we have to believe it. Genius.
Posted on 05-15-23 9:16 PM     [Snapshot: 444]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You are genius who believes people profiting billions of dollars over a concerned human who does not benefit anything. Surely a genius. Bravo!

Posted on 05-15-23 9:30 PM     [Snapshot: 462]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You are interpreting what I have not said. But whatever works for you.
Posted on 05-16-23 12:07 AM     [Snapshot: 515]     Reply [Subscribe]
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“ It's sad that we have been resorted to Tiktok as source of truth :-)”

So I interpreted that you believe that everything said in tiktok is a lie. Did you not imply that?

You are a genius so you must be right and everyone in tiktok must be wrong 🤣
Posted on 05-16-23 6:50 AM     [Snapshot: 558]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Again, you are just making up whatever suits your agenda. By this logic I have to assume that you think everything in TikTok is 100% correct and rest not? This is what happens if you think whatever is presented is true (or false), be it mainstream media or a fabricated video. People rarely take time to see/know both sides.

May I know - what made you believe that whatever that lady said, is true (or false)?

Btw, I checked other videos in that tiktok space from the lady's video you shared. Surely entertaining stuffs there.
Posted on 05-16-23 6:52 AM     [Snapshot: 561]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nursing education has focused on care and minimal understanding of disease conditions and drug interactions. Because of the substantial amount of lawsuits along the way, everything must be checked. What's not scam? There is scam everywhere: in hospitals, car sales, education, Tax payers, under inflated earning by business owners, vaccines agenda, tourism. There are so many hypocritical Nepalese who run gas stations and restaurants, pay no income tax but have a million dollar house and attack Trump continuously saying he broke the laws….
Posted on 05-16-23 7:10 AM     [Snapshot: 572]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Anyone who even implies that tiktok or for that matter, any other source, is 100% correct must be a genius in your very words.

I have said "Truth however is spread across the social media from individuals and institutions who cannot compete with the trillion dollar industry however try their best to spread the truth hidden by those who benefit from hiding the truth."

It is spread across meaning, there are somethings which are true. Conversely it means some things are not true. Am I talking here to a kindergarten student, who does not even seem to understand the basic english language and who does not understand their own implication of their words?

I never claimed that this lady is 100% true or false. I am simply sharing this video because it seems noteworthy and the fact that it was presented in a roundtable discussion, one of many which in fact led Senator Ron Johnson to present this report to the secretary of defense.


If you do not believe this, then my friend you are living in denial - only believing the propaganda that you have been exposed to and denying anything that conflicts with that information.

Is it possible that hospital mismanagement and wrong priorities caused a lot of people to lose their lives? Yes it is absolutely possible. I am not sure why you vehemently deny this possibility that the nurse has outlined.

Anyways - it seems like you have made up your mind on what is real and what is not real, while I am only sharing something that has a possibility of being true, in which case, it is better for us common people to know about it before we put full trust in these institutions because who knows some day when your loved ones are in such institutions, they may have to undergo some negative issues due to medical malpractice at such a level.

I wish you well my friend.

By the way, you said "Btw, I checked other videos in that tiktok space from the lady's video you shared. Surely entertaining stuffs there." 
Obviously people share all sort of stuff, some of which may be for entertainment purpose and some may contain useful information. It is your intelligence to be able sift through different content and do your own research to see which ones are of any value or not. You cannot say everything one person says is false because they have said something false at some point in their lives. You have to consider each incident or each issue at hand and make objective judgment instead of not having the brains to analyze each issue as separate.

Last edited: 16-May-23 07:17 AM

Posted on 05-16-23 8:04 AM     [Snapshot: 586]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You do a lot of "imply" and just get triggered if anyone questions you. I clearly said that you cannot believe whatever is out there without checking both sides but in your recent post you have not "implied" it differently but "interpreted" differently. Thanks for teaching english, I do like to learn and I am learning quite a lot about you from this post alone :-).

Entertaining stuff - I like it. I will follow your posts, keep on entertaining please.
Posted on 05-16-23 8:14 AM     [Snapshot: 593]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Try to post some things of interest sometimes that we can discuss about instead of trying to find fault everytime trying to pull leg like typical Nepali. That is such a negative attitude in my opinion :-)
Posted on 05-16-23 8:23 AM     [Snapshot: 597]     Reply [Subscribe]
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First try to answer question without replying with more questions and adding a whole lot of everything else but what was asked for. I see you get easily triggered by anything. You are a real deal for entertainment.
Posted on 05-16-23 8:47 AM     [Snapshot: 602]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trigger trigger haha is that a new word that you learned or is that your constant reality that you live in my friend? You were the one triggered by my post and guess what? I post these things to trigger mentally unstable people like you who have built their reality listening to news perpetuated by people who are profiting off of those news.

God bless you my friend 😁
Posted on 05-16-23 8:53 AM     [Snapshot: 607]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Alright Mr. Tiktok - you enjoy and have a good day. Got to go for work, erm "Kindergarten school". Get a few more posts so that I can be entertained later.
Posted on 05-16-23 9:21 AM     [Snapshot: 620]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ok Mr. Stockholm Syndrome will do 🙏🤣
Posted on 05-16-23 12:29 PM     [Snapshot: 652]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Getting worst compared to past ? May be? What can we do about it, hoarding news is like " last month paid 80 this month paying 130 for the same medication" if there is no option it does not matter.
Every other day has shooting watch on news, someone post here about shooting story and gives goose bumps am I be the next victim?
Was it entertaining?
Posted on 05-16-23 1:22 PM     [Snapshot: 669]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Gaitundey you probably didn’t watch the video to provide you the context.

Sorry Gaitundey my friend I don’t have time to waste discussing thing with you when you haven’t even watched the video. 
Last edited: 16-May-23 01:33 PM


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