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 when is sagoon going live?
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Posted on 01-30-24 12:10 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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who else remembers the opening skit when one of the promoters highlighted how thagoon would give the birth to new steve “job” or bill “gate”? where are these weasels these days? absconding with 10s of millions of dollars and what not..
Posted on 01-30-24 1:27 AM     [Snapshot: 71]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 01-30-24 2:10 AM     [Snapshot: 99]     Reply [Subscribe]
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when they said you could charge your phone just by using their app, you should have run
Posted on 01-30-24 2:38 AM     [Snapshot: 131]     Reply [Subscribe]
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किन र वाके माइन्ड मूजी? यदि cabal of elites ले विश्व चलाउँछन् र भ्याक्सिन मा माइक्रोचिप हालेको छ र स्पेस लेजर ले गर्दा त मूजी मूर्ख loser भएको हो र everything is rigged भन्ने तेरो belief छ भने app ले फोन चार्ज गर्न चाहिं किन नमिल्ने? भोलि त मुजिको conspiracy theory मालिक हरुले यो पनि सम्भव छ भनेमा त मूजी यहीँ आएर लामो लामो कट पेस्ट गर्नेछस् मूजी र अनेकन diagrams र bullshit हजार पल्ट repeat गर्नेछस्
Posted on 01-30-24 4:28 AM     [Snapshot: 219]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Digambar sagoon is fraud. If you do some research you will find out.

If anyone has good knowledge of physics and chemistry, one can tell that it is impossible for an app to charge a phone. Any app that is run uses up electricity to run and for the screen to light up. It is technologically impossible for app to be charging a phone. Sagoon scammed a lot of people.
Posted on 01-30-24 9:13 AM     [Snapshot: 318]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nothing to say for/against this post or sagoon but here to commend digambar. Way to go brother. You are one man army to battle against all the conspiracy craps. Wish sajha to not get polluted with these political and conspiracy nonsense.
Posted on 01-30-24 9:49 AM     [Snapshot: 371]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Lazy people hate conspiracy theories because they are too lazy to be able to think on their own. They will rely on the profit making corporations and corrupt politicians to make decisions for them.

Posted on 01-30-24 9:05 PM     [Snapshot: 553]     Reply [Subscribe]
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इन्डिपे मूजि, losers like you and your आशिक वाके माइन्ड need conspiracy theories to console your delusional minds.
Life is not rigged against you. Losers like you are what you are due to your crappy attitude, sense of entitlement, pure envy and jealously and your narcissism.
"नाच न जाने आगन टेढा" भन्छन् नि। नाच्न नजान्ने ले आंगन टेढो भएर मैले नाच्न नसकेको भन्छ बुझिस् मूजी?
तेरो आशिक वाके ले पोस्ट तैंले भन्दा बढी गर्छ। लाआआँमो कट पेस्ट पनि त भन्दा बढी गर्दो रैछ । तैंले त्यसलाई भन्दा त्यसले तँलाई बढी घोडा चढ्छ की क्या हो? एकदम distressed छस नी डाम्रा।
Posted on 01-31-24 7:50 AM     [Snapshot: 690]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ए मुजी चुतिया दिगम्बर, तेरो आमालाइ चिकन पुगेन कि के हो

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