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 ADHIKARI Law Firm Backs Pro-Palestine View
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Posted on 05-13-24 10:01 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Some people share or re-post comments expressing others' viewpoints. When questioned if they endorse those views, they often respond, "I didn't write it."


Niranjan Adhikari’s Post

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Managing Attorney* at Adhikari Law | Immigration Attorney | Startups Lawyer | Corporate formation and governance, and Technology Transactions | Nonprofit boards

#JosephStiglitz, #Nobel prize winner and one of the most important #Jewish intellectuals in the world, adds his voice to debunk the narrative that pro-Palestinian protests on campuses is antisemitic. He calls it "normal human empathy": "What a large number of young people are expressing is normal human empathy. They don't want to see people die unnecessarily. And I think the pictures, the fact that tens of thousands of people have died, including lots of #children and #women, innocent bystanders, in the attack on #Gaza, in a very short span of time, has had a horrific impact. And they're saying this is unjust. And it has brought back to the fore that much of the architecture of the world was shaped in a colonial era. And many of these people are from countries that themselves were shaped in a #colonialera. So what I hear, and what's going on, is a real sense of #empathy for so many people dying unnecessarily, and outrage at #collectivepunishment, which is #unacceptable. And it brings back to the fore reflections on #colonialism and its consequences, that remind us that history doesn't just disappear, even if one would like it to."


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