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 Trump Plans OPT Duration Cut
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Posted on 12-04-24 8:47 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Looks like my vote is doing its work!

This aims to improve opportunities for U.S. Workers and maintain competitive salaries.

"The concern is based upon what previous Trump administration did, and it is very much based on comments made by President-elect Trump and his transition team," Professor Nielz Frenzen, co-director of the USC Gould  immigration Clinic

The university also urged foreign students to keep their re-entry documentations handy when traveling while the USC Gould Law School Immigration Clinic provides legal advice to international students

Posted on 12-04-24 9:56 PM     [Snapshot: 101]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you MAGA
@sexyinsari you forgot to taken credit for this one
Last edited: 04-Dec-24 11:17 PM

Posted on 12-05-24 11:35 AM     [Snapshot: 324]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I completely understand the frustration of seeing social and political events not going the way you'd like. Even if you have the right to share your opinion, saying it over and over with such intensity can make it harder for others to understand. Mero bechar ma, staying calm helps get your message across better.

By the way, its windy and cold today. Lets enjoy some momo with tomato and dalle khursani ko achar! That's one good thing about working from home. The downside is when the husband is also working from home, sometimes I have to give up my lunch break to make him happy!!!

Posted on 12-05-24 11:47 AM     [Snapshot: 334]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ya enjoy momo and its achaar before 25% tariffs hits on that tomato and khursani cause that comes from Mexico, you might say you farm tomato in your yard and don't care about others, batteries cars and electronics price gonna go up too. And if you know someone who is and harboring an illegal immigrant and you don't report them that might become a felony. You said you have small business too? I am not sure whom you are employing. If you are employing someone without papers, you know what is coming next.

Also note that, you are for curbing legal immigration not only illegal immigration. 

And also didn't you vote for that SA because everything is expensive? 

"Sometimes I have to give up my lunch break to make him happy!!!" Is this why you had an abortion? 

Project 2025 — the 900-page policy document from former Trump aides and a right-wing think tank — suggests that the emergency contraceptive (morning after) pill is a “potential abortifacient”

 Oh man, I really hope that you get everything that you voted for. 

Last edited: 05-Dec-24 11:14 PM

Posted on 12-05-24 12:46 PM     [Snapshot: 439]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ritu sis you always like to fear monger too much. ban ko bagh le bhanda man ko bagh le khako jasto bhayo.
In Trump's last term he did all those things but prices were higher during Biden's time because biden diluted the value of money by giving out too much to his cronies.

Please wait for 6 or 7 months into Trump's term and if things start to look bad then come here and you can scold us and we will say you were right. But right now it's tatto na chharo fear mongering. Sorry sis mind nagarnu hola ni feri.
Posted on 12-05-24 1:06 PM     [Snapshot: 468]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Insult ra bully na gare samma no mind.

I am not fear mongering I am just saying what Trump said, now If that is fear mongering then I don't know what to say.

About Biden diluting money Trump put 8 trillion hole in debt ceiling Biden close it a bit. Look up who got ppp loans in Trump era which was then forgiven. No really look it up.

"Well, Trump has repeated that he is not involved with project 2025. If some of the points in Project 2025 matches with Trumps policy then it's a coincidence"
Posted on 12-05-24 5:59 PM     [Snapshot: 646]     Reply [Subscribe]
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women international student can easily make money from sugar daddy prostitution.i am worried about poor guy international students
Posted on 12-06-24 7:09 AM     [Snapshot: 973]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Under new administration, there is no tax for income through sugardaddy’s . All the big daddy’s are in administration, so you have to find little daddy’s.
Posted on 12-06-24 4:41 PM     [Snapshot: 1107]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes very nice MAGA work. Need more news like it good wrk trump lord
Posted on 12-31-24 2:32 AM     [Snapshot: 3012]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Looks like @SIS forgot to take credit for this one, so giving her credit

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