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 Climate change a hoax, government involvement in 9/11
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Posted on 08-29-23 11:21 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Here is your guy, more extreme than Trump

Ramaswamy's controversial positions include calling climate change a hoax, saying he would cut funding for Ukraine, raising questions about potential government involvement in 9/11, and wanting to raise the voting age to 25 – a proposal that's gotten pushback even from his own staff.

"God is real. There are two genders," he said in part of his closing statement. "Fossil fuels are a requirement for human prosperity. Reverse racism is racism. An open border is not a border."

Posted on 08-29-23 3:45 PM     [Snapshot: 26]     Reply [Subscribe]
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When he is eventually out of the primary, He is going to be the first to claim racism as the sole reason why he is no longer in the running
Posted on 08-29-23 6:05 PM     [Snapshot: 43]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This guy is tougher than Trump and very very conservative, GOD will be on his side to guide him.

Posted on 08-30-23 10:08 PM     [Snapshot: 106]     Reply [Subscribe]
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He is trying to cash MAGA vote, if Trump be disqualified or trying to become Trump's VP if that's not the case!

Sometime I think this guy is either idiot or con man also feel like he is doing what people wants. people want craziness, no place for decency and honesty nowadays. If you want to be viral & popular gotta scream crazy idea, extreme thoughts.
So, I guess he is following the trend. Won't be successful to become a nominee like trump did but let him live in his crazy world!

Posted on 08-31-23 11:32 AM     [Snapshot: 148]     Reply [Subscribe]
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He is following the trend and trying to cash deplorable republicans. If this was happen first time then you call it crazy so it is a normal American right wing politics. This dude is self made billionaire not like Trump who inherited from his father.

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