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 Why don't we see people writing "nazi" in their bio but still see people using "JBR" as surname?
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Posted on 10-06-22 9:51 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Aren't they the same thing?
Posted on 10-06-22 1:31 PM     [Snapshot: 86]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Logan sawai jana tai budo jasto huncha ta bhanya suste ?
Posted on 10-06-22 7:48 PM     [Snapshot: 166]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Comparing Ranas against Nazis is extreme. It’s logical to compare them against other autocratic dictatorial rulers.
Posted on 11-18-22 5:27 PM     [Snapshot: 833]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Though, Jung Bahadur Rana was the most pivotal figure since Prithvi Narayan Shah, that sad character was the one who codified the laws of the land based on the Hindu Caste system with its full on privileges/detriments and would call it the "Muluki Ain". It is not surprising he was not an intellectual but just a paranoia-inflicted gangster as he fulfilled his ambitions through bloody maneuvers - all the way to the top.

It is apparent that Shamsher Ranas proved to be more effective than the emasculated Shah Kings to carry an independent Nepal through the precarious global upheavals of those times. Chandra Shamsher JBR was THE most distinguished Maharaja who, most notably, ensured the sovereignty of Nepal( by working in close partnership with the British Empire and the fearless Gurkha fighting force ) in the brewing New World Order of the 20th century and also abolished the inhumane and perennial Sati custom.

Fast-forwarding to the present, the very Achilles Heel to a meaningful development of human capital and rearing of a modern human civilization in South Asia can be attributed to the prevalent Hindu caste-system and the regional inter-nation and internal animosities along religious lines.

Regarding the question of "nazi", extreme and violent version of Fascism materialized as Hitler's Third Reich aka the Nazi Party. A new version of Fascism happening in India today is the power-grab that BJP along with RSS have engineered by invoking and manipulating the Ayodhya dispute. They continue to maintain that power by MARGlNalizing non-Hindus and lower segment of the Hindu-caste strata through violent and/or inhumane means in a constitutionally secular nation. Burma has their own version of (Buddhist vs Muslim) Fascism going on as we speak. Unfortunately, manipulating the people based on religious majority would not be off-limits to the power-hungry and ambitious politicians in South Asia after the 1947 Partition of India which was originally conceived out of mistrust between people mentally self-segregated along religious lines.


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