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 CDC is reporting over 20 thousand deaths from Covid Vaccine
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Posted on 04-19-23 7:03 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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If nothing happened to you or your family then you are lucky. But we cannot ignore 20 thousand families whose loved ones died after taking the vaccine. It could have been you and it still can cause harm after many years as it has not be studied.

You cannot ignore
20 thousand dead
16 thousand life threatening effect
19 thousand permanent disability
A total of 1.1 million cases of adverse effects.

Someone close to your family could start having heart problems now strongly tied to the vaccine.

This is not a conspiracy. You can go to the website shown below.


Out of 1,745,777 events that have been historically reported to CDC on all vaccines currently given to the population, 63.5% of these events were related to the Covid vaccine.

And we still continue to have self proclaimed defenders of the vaccine who cannot see beyond the fact that they were duped into getting it.

Last edited: 19-Apr-23 07:18 AM

Posted on 04-19-23 9:31 AM     [Snapshot: 32]     Reply [Subscribe]
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you are paranoid.

bhok lagunjel khane bela khayo, pet bhare pachi nun charko bhanyo.

even simple medicine like tylenol has killed more than 20k so should we go boycotting every medicine?
Posted on 04-19-23 9:39 AM     [Snapshot: 36]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Birey I am showing your data from CDC to support my concern. Can you corroborate your statement about tylenol killing more than 20,000 people?

Just because something does not fit your brainwashing don’t just create fake stuff.
Posted on 04-19-23 3:39 PM     [Snapshot: 67]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Notice how the pro covid vaccine sheeps are staying away from this thread as they are dumbfounded on what the hell is this data it can’t be true as its hidden in plain sight and not reported by any vaccine profiting media conglomerate.
Posted on 04-19-23 11:07 PM     [Snapshot: 93]     Reply [Subscribe]
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this damage payout is just for 1 month, imagine the months prior and forward


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