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 Nepal ranked lowest IQ country in the world
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Posted on 01-03-24 12:50 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Care to chime in, guys? Somehow, we Nepali seem to be the least intelligent people on this planet. 😂

Posted on 01-03-24 12:58 AM     [Snapshot: 5]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ma yesma eekdum ghor shadyantra dekhchu. Pakka Indian ko hath cha yesma. dafuq is this shit based on !! Lol
Posted on 01-04-24 9:14 AM     [Snapshot: 172]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its funny. To have average 45 alot of people (more than 50%) should have below 40 or below 30 as many are pretty smart. Most people in nepal who had SLC passed certainly have iq abve 80 or 90 maybe even more than 100.

The IQ 40-45 are regarded as severely mentally retarded so this imply 50% or more nepali are severly mentally retarded lol. So most nepali are retarded enough that they cant figure out how to fuck and make babies.
Last edited: 04-Jan-24 09:14 AM

Posted on 01-04-24 9:35 AM     [Snapshot: 187]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Susta manasthiti bata gujrirahekaa nepali haru bidesh ma dherai chhan.
Posted on 01-05-24 1:25 PM     [Snapshot: 443]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sampling sab susta manasthiti wala lai liye jasto cha. Ki ta Prachande le jati gaand mare pani teskai bhakti gareko dekhera testo IQ deko holan.
Posted on 01-05-24 2:12 PM     [Snapshot: 459]     Reply [Subscribe]
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As sad as it is, I would agree for the most part with the findings in spite of a reported Nepalese literacy rate of 71% in 2021 vis-a-vis 48% in 2001.

We, as a society, had long jumped into the fire of Comprador Imperialism (Dalaal Punjibaad) from the frying pan of Apartheid Caste System instituted in JBR's Muluki Ain as envisioned by PN Shah's proclamation of Chaar Jaat and Chhatis Varna. Though the Sati system was already abolished by 1920 CE, even the educated bunch ( probably rote-learned ) still use the phrase - "Sati le saraape ko desh". The real "saraap" is coming from the Caste-based construct at the grassroots level. It is the same society that ostracized Buddha's teachings, could not appoint strategic-minded generals during the wars of the 19th century or recruit competent diplomats during World Wars who could have otherwise minimized loss of territories and lives. The timebomb had been ticking for the Shah/Rana regime for a long time in lieu of formulation of a political/economic/societal system that would at least barely survive into the 21st century. History does have bearing on society and its IQ.

Though the Hindu-based Caste System is anti-constitutional now, Nepalese society still use second-person pronouns, such as
Hajur                        (→ Brahman)
Tapaai                      (→ Chhetri) 
Timi                          (→ Vaishya) 
Ta                             (→ Shudra)
(Social distancing)   (→ Dalit)

With so many pronouns, a meeting participated (if invited) by all members of Caste hierarchy is highly unlikely to foster a fair and healthy debate and bubble-up meritocratic ideas. Theses varied second-pronouns, that we do not seem to conceive doing away with, are designed for dividing the population into factions to lengthen unjust regimes as opposed to collaborating for the progress of society.

Next, look at what we have done to the Kathmandu Valley adorned with distinguished Malla-period monuments even admired by foremost civilizations of today such as German, French, Chinese, and the Japanese - plus recognized by UNESCO. There are too many to enumerate on how we have screwed-up. But this one takes the latest cake; while the concretization of the Valley has left no viable outlets for the annual Monsoon run-offs, a juvenile for the mayor of the Capital-city unhesitatingly proposes building an 
under-Tundikhel car-parking complex.
Another credible aspect of this survey is the higher ranking of nations such as Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and China though I have to disagree with relative high-ranking of South Korea, United Kingdom and a few others.

The IQ and progress of a society should not be measured by GDP per capita, literacy rate, car-culture, packaged foods, or suburbia living.

Last edited: 05-Jan-24 02:48 PM


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