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Posted on 08-22-15 5:21
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Namskar everyone, I am planning to move to Newyork from Bridgeport, CT. Ma aihle university of Bridgeport ma masters gardai chhu. mero classes week ma 2 days matra chha. NY ma job opportunities kati ko chha?? room + food garera $500 le pugla ki nai.. I also have travel to bridgeport twice in a week. Any suggestion??
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Posted on 08-22-15 10:14
PM [Snapshot: 123]
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room plus food 500 not in America, unless u wana share a room with nepali gays
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Posted on 08-23-15 1:50
AM [Snapshot: 199]
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@nepalimannaparauneradikobaan , dont open your shitty mouth unless you have something better to say. Go and cry for your Brother Ghaites death. You can find jobs in Ny easily. Depends on what kind you want. Monthly expenditure will be more than 500 even though you share your rooom. You can ride Bus from City to anywhere. So transportation wouldnt be problem.
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Posted on 08-23-15 5:22
AM [Snapshot: 236]
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rawzace I had seen your other posts earlier, asking for suggestions, and didn't realize that you were fresh out of boat. Hey man, don't worry we've been there and we're with you. Question - so didn't you get any (off school) work near school's campus area? I guess, University has many international students so it would be hard finding gas station or Indian restaurant type work. Sorry, I cannot help you but I would definitely suggest - be patient. Since you don't seem to have any contacts who could hook you up with an off-campus (table muni ko kaam), what I would do before taking the bus to NYC is that I would map all the gas stations, seven elevens, dunkin donuts, subways in the surrounding, outlying area (use google map), then take a bus and go on each one individually. Chances are many of those gas stations, seven elevens, dunkins and subways are owned by Indian, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi or people from Middle Eastern origin. So courteously ask each of them 'are you looking for help?' Do some homework. Make and excel sheet and tick each one off. Sometimes you may not find an owner working and the help would say, you can talk to the owner tomorrow before 11:00 am. So go there the next day and ask the owner (if they didn't leave you the phone no.). Map and Yellow Page each Indian, Pakistani restaurant's phone number and call them and ask "hey, are you looking for help?" Kitchen, Hosting, Server, Bus Boy, anything. Maybe also checkout nearby pizza places (since you don't drive yet, pizza delivery is out). But it is a gruelling work. Strong homework is needed. No one is just easily going to give you (table muni ko work).Since this is your down time, I am sure you are already actively looking for on-campus work as well. I don't suggest taking that bus to NYC because it will be inconvenient for you riding 60+ miles one way for 2 days in a week. Exhaust all Bridgeport options before going to NYC.
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Posted on 08-23-15 2:22
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Thank you kichhudada_siraha_madar and facebook for your kind words... Its already more that 3 weeks i have been searching jobs. I have went to almost all subways , mc donald and liquor store around bridgeport. I am still searching. On- campus is given only from second semester so thats not my option as i m a fresher. Till now i didnot enquire with any Dunkins and gas station, i will start asking them now onwards. I am making a list of stores in bridgeport, and will tr try there once again.. hope it works... If nothing works here i think i will move to NY only... Help mw with your suggestions...
urban khasi
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Posted on 08-23-15 3:29
PM [Snapshot: 459]
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ब्रिज्पोर्ट has tons of Indian restaurants. You will have no issue finding a job, Its more about your willingness to get your hands dirty. Looks like you have no prior experience, So Dont be afraid to get into any kind of job or even be exploited in the beginning just like one of the guy said since its your down time. also once you walk in to indian place, you will find tons of nepali guys working for them so they will most likely solve your problem in half. Always remember, " what you give is what you earn". Meaning respect them and you will get something in return. ...... worst case, they might even pick up/drop off for you if you act sincerly! DO NOT MOVE TO NYC