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 Toxic Ingredients in "Vaccine" BioWeapons
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Posted on 06-09-24 8:04 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Patrick O'Carroll - Toxic Ingredients in "Vaccine" BioWeapons

June 8, 2024

(l. David Ayoub, MD)

When Rockefeller scientists "study" human reproduction, 
or viruses, or ANYTHING for that matter, they are not trying 
to HELP people but they are looking for ways to 


By Patrick O'Connell

 For at least 30 years, Dr David Ayoub MD has been on a crusade against bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines"). 

In 2005, he gave his most famous lecture at Dr Stanley Monteith's Radio Liberty Conference in Aptos CA, which is synopsized below.

In the video, you can see that he was proved RIGHT in most of what he said, particularly about the genocidal and sterilizing aspects of the bioweapons agenda:

In 1972, the Rockefeller "Commission on Population Growth and the American Future" submitted a major report to the Nixon Regime. Basically, this report concluded that the USA has "population problems" but that the American people should not be notified of any of the US Regime's depopulation plans.

Later, Kissinger's 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) focused on "international political and economic implications of population growth". 

This study was dated 24 Apr 1974 but it remained top-secret for 15 years, i.e. not getting declassified until 1989. It was ultimately a Rockefeller document and it was signed by Rockefeller protégé and Rockefeller-Agent Heinz-Alfred Kissinger (nickname Henry).

Interestingly, in 1911, Rockefeller scientist Francis-Peyton Rous discovered that a chicken tumor was caused by a virus, called an oncovirus. Because he was an inept lackey who served the Talmudic "new" world order, he was awarded the Nobel "Medicine" Prize in 1966, although he failed the main Rothschild-criterion by not being Jewish.

Rous's work was the main reason why the carcinogenic Simian Virus 40 (SV40) was placed in polio bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") in the 1950s and in the Pfizer and Moderna versions of the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB.


The innate immune system uses antibodies to destroy all sorts of things it deems undesirable.

But one goal of bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") is to trick the immune system into attacking the body's own reproductive hormones so as to disrupt pregnancy. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the fetus in the early days of pregnancy.
Pregnancy tests use it to detect pregnancy. Since the 1990s, bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") have contained hCG ANTIBODIES for stealth-abortion.

From a diabolical viewpoint, the "advantage" is that the victim will not even know that she was in fact pregnant.

In 1995, a BBC film ("The Human Laboratory") showed how 75 percent of vials of a tetanus bioweapon (disguised as a "vaccine") given to Filipino women in a WHO-Unicef program were contaminated with these hCG antibodies.

Thanks to such bioweapons programs, the average Philippines fertility rate dropped from 7 in 1960 to 2.1 in 2010.


All the "regulatory" agencies consider mercury a potential genocide agent.

Nowadays, all bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") contain over 50,000 ppb (parts per billion) of mercury. The consumer "protection" agencies are bribed to ignore this, even as they simultaneously prohibit more than 2 ppb in water; or more than 1450 ppb in fish; and even more than 200 ppb in what gets classified as "toxic waste".

That means if a vial of bioweapon (disguised as "vaccine") smashes on the floor, it is treated as "toxic waste", but the Big Pharma Mafia, your "benign" Regime, the "regulators", and consumer "protection" labs are "comfortable" about injecting over 50,000 ppb of mercury into infants (meaning they are comfortable with open genocide).

Mercury is an abortifacient, i.e. it induces miscarriages and (spontaneous) abortions. Since the 1990s, bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") have contained mercury under the "harmless-sounding" label THIOMERSAL or THIMEROSAL. Prior to 2000, women were mostly sterilized by mercury-amalgam fillings.

A study by Gerhard in 1998 showed that women who could not get pregnant, or who had repeated miscarriages, had over twice the amount of mercury in their urine than the average (mainly from dental amalgams).

A major Hong Kong study showed that mercury succeeded in reducing sperm-count and sperm-motility in males.

Mercury poisoning is also called ACRODYNIA and it was found to cause sterility. A 2002 study found that mercury poisoning caused the following increases: 1.6x miscarriage, 2.1x infertility, 2.9x stillbirth, and 3.3x male fertility. This 2002 study showed the REASON why bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") contain mercury. And that reason is because mercury is a MEANS toward achieving stealth-depopulation.

Naturally, your "benign" Regime never thought of notifying you that these results clearly implied that you need to avoid bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") like the plague. That means your "benign" Regime is trying to kill you.

A 2005 study of 22,000 Amish people in Lancaster PA showed only three cases of autism:
The first was in a person who had an acute vaccine reaction; the second in a vaccinated person; and the third in an adopted child from China. This study is discussed here:
Many cases of autism are reversible with the help of chelation, which reduces heavy-metals in the victim.


Rockefeller-funded scientists found aluminum makes the genocide-agent mercury much more deadly.

That is the reason why bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") contain both mercury (Thiomersal) and "adjuvants" such as aluminum, that are generally disguised as "preservatives" but are in fact designed to enhance the toxicity of the mercury so that the two together (mercury and aluminum) can synergistically achieve a higher kill-count.

Many studies show that women suffered miscarriages or (spontaneous) abortions within days after taking a flu bioweapon or a HepB bioweapon (both of course disguised as "vaccines").


GAVI is a genocide organization that masquerades as the global "alliance" for "vaccines" and "immunization".

GAVI only thinks about "improving the world" by injecting the Goyim "Livestock" with bioweapons, but it always "forgets" to provide cod-liver oil, water, sanitation, or improvements to crops in those countries in which it is active.

The GAVI "alliance" was launched in 1999 and it comprises most of the organizations, groups and agencies that the Rockefeller-Kissinger 1974 NSSM 200 proposed: NGOs, the UN's Worst Hell Organization (WHO), the World Bank, Unicef, the Bill & "Male Linda" Gates Foundation, and makers of bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines") ...

GAVI manifests a major satanic inversion by promoting genocide under the guise of "extending longevity".In the longer term, GAVI wants coercive population control, coercive abortion, coercive sterilization etc.

There are already very many birth-control bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines"). In 1919, Rockefeller-funded eugenicist Margaret Sanger synopsized to the whole world the KEY EUGENICIST IMPERATIVE: "More children from the fit; less children from the unfit; this is the chief issue of birth control".


In 2005, Gary Null established that the leading cause of death in the USA is medicine (including iatrogenic errors) which counted 783,936 deaths annually, followed by heart-disease (699,647), followed by cancer (553,251).

Journalist Shannon Brownlee asked: "When industry has penetrated every level of medicine from the lab bench, to the FDA advisory panels, from the pages of the medical journals to your doctor's prescription-pad, how are physicians to make [proper] decisions about treating their patients?"

From the point of view of PROPER HEALTH, an ideal world would be a world in which doctors were broke. At 1:20 in the latter link, Dr Ayoub quotes a press-release dated 29 Aug 2005 by the UN's Worst Hell Organization (WHO), which stated that over 750,000 "vaccinators" were unleashed on Indonesia to inject bioweapons into 24 million children under the age of five IN ONE DAY. 


In many bioweapons (disguised as "vaccines"), the real genocidal payload is by contamination of the vial. The Rockefeller Death-Care-Business is all about genocide but it fools many by masquerading as "philanthropic".

The Rockefeller Death-Care-Business likes to blame autism on "genetics" but if "genetics" were the REAL cause, then the incidence of autism would have remained roughly constant since 1870, instead of increasing 10,000-fold.

When Rockefeller scientists "study" human reproduction, or viruses, or ANYTHING for that matter, they are not trying to HELP people but they are looking for ways to STERILIZE, DEBILITATE, and GENOCIDE them.

The best way to commit genocide is to mobilize the "government" and its corrupt puppeticians to do the job.


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